
Hello and welcome! I’m Dr. Erin Margolis, and I’m a clinical psychologist licensed in Los Angeles, California. I am passionate about helping people better understand themselves. I focus on harnessing the power of people’s unique emotional experiences to create change and forward movement. I specialize in women’s mental health, but I am open to working with all gender identities.


“The best way out is always through.”

-Robert Frost

It’s very common to want a shortcut to the other side of our suffering. In my experience, the only way to actually move out of pain is to walk through it. But you don’t have to tackle it alone. I will be with you all the way through, and I can’t wait to celebrate the wins with you when we get to the other side.

Get in touch.

I would love to meet you. Please fill out this form, and I will contact you to schedule a free, 30 minute consultation.


Find your truth, and live a life that is authentically you.